Dr. Vikas Srivastava

Our Treatments

What We Offer

We welcome the patients and their families with our Advanced Medical Health Management and Compassionate Concern.



Regular Blood Sugar Monitoring, Oral Diabetes Medications, Diet, Exercises etc. are the best treatment options we provide to manage it.

Diabetes Reversal Therapy

A specialised treatment procedure which helps the patients for improving the health of their hearts & reduces their Type 2 diabetes also.

Gestational Diabetes

Delivering several treatment options to lower this, including Regular Blood Sugar Monitoring, Physical Activities, Prescribed Medicines etc.


Get Unparalleled Treatment Options (Anti-Thyroid Medicine, Beta Blockers, Radioiodine Therapy etc.) to manage your Thyroid Problem.
Gastrointestinal Diseases

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Get a Complete Healthcare Solution to get best care for Gastrointestinal Diseases like Constipation, Perianal Abscesses, Diverticular etc.
Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

Effective Advice (Being Physically Active, Getting Enough Sleep etc.) our specialist provides to manage a patient's High Blood Pressure fast.
Heart Diseases

Heart Diseases

The well-experienced professional who handles those patients who are going through High/Low Blood Pressure with proper Medications.
Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory Diseases

Allergen Immunotherapy, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Exceptional Medications etc. are the best options we deliver to treat your problems.
Pain Management

Pain Management

For any kind of pain (Arthritis, Muscle Pain, Back Injuries, Chronic Pain, Endometriosis etc.), we serve proper medications to the patients.


A severe headache which causes pulsing and throbbing head pain on one side of your head. To prevent this, we deliver World-Class Care.
Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases

Providing Unparalleled Treatment Procedures for Hepatitis, Influenza, Meningitis, Chlamydia, Chickenpox, Bacterial & Viral Infections etc.
Vaccination & Check-Up

Vaccination & Check-Up

Any kind of Vaccination & General Check-up the expert provides for protecting you from the harmful diseases and for your better future.